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The roadmap on development of the principles of Roboethics

roboethics, ethics of artificial intellect, neurophilosophy, pilotless vehicles
Karlen Dallakian
Consultant for psycho-philosophy,
development of personal and collective will.
Doctor of philosophy, professor
June 22, 2018
The mankind is in anticipation of a new stage of evolution in which the important role will belong to the systems of artificial intellect. Today it is very important to work out a development strategy for the new "mixed" society. It assumes creation of the route map of the roboethics development, which is being presented to you, and we invite everyone to participate in the process of perfecting it.
робоэтика, этика искусственного интеллекта, нейрофилософия, беспилотные авто

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Stage #1.
Development of the basic principles of Roboethics
First of all it is necessary to define the degree of mutual responsibility of a man and the AI system. People have to understand that after allocating AI with a possibility of infinite development, it will not be possible to treat it only as a tool. At the same time the AI systems have to be limited by ethical and legal norms.
Development of moral norms to regulate the behavior of robots and their owners
Development of types and models of responsibility for violation of these norms.

1.1 In order to develop the moral standards it is required to form research collectives (a union of engineers, representatives of natural, technical sciences and humanities).

1.2. Moral norms and behavior standards of robots are being developed for the concrete sociocultural environment. Robots have to be adapted to concrete culture by means of the system of values.

1.3. Introduction of norms into masses stipulates for building up the public consciousness: Media, Internet, art, scientific and practical conferences.
Differentiation of the subjects of responsibility
Responsibility should be divided between the producer, the robots themselves and their owners.

2.1. Moral standards should be divided into segments:

- robot – robot
Development of the types and models of moral responsibility for violation of these ethical standards.

- robot – owner
Proper maintenance and a certain "human" attitude to robots must be guaranteed by their owners. If a robot is the subject of morals, then it demands the corresponding attitude to it.

- robot - other people
The main norm is: a Robot cannot do any harm to a man or mankind.
The Producers of robotics should proceed from the universal morals.
A robot should serve to mankind, and not just to the owner. The possibility to use robots in narrowly personal, class, national, confessional purposes, contradicting the interests of mankind, must be blocked by the producer.
Development of priorities in roboethics
The requirement proposed by Isaac Asimov "Don't do harm to a man" must be concretized taking into account concrete circumstances and conditions. For this purpose a robot should have an opportunity (in a certain degree, when there is no opportunity to contact the owner) to make a decision independently. That is, to have partial freedom. The concept "artificial intellect" is in this case replaced with the concept "artificial intelligence". It is inevitable, thus people should be ready to define the moral restrictions of behavior for the systems of artificial intelligence.
Contradiction of interests
The Producers of robotics should proceed from the universal morals.

A robot should serve to mankind, and not just to the owner. (The Zero rule of ethics by I. Azimov).The possibility to use robots in narrowly personal, class, national, confessional purposes, contradicting the interests of mankind, must be blocked by the producer.
Proper maintenance and a certain "human" attitude to robots must be guaranteed by their owners.

If a robot is the subject of morals, then it demands the corresponding attitude to it.

People have to respect the AI systems
Prevention of accidents
The discussion on how a robot should behave in case of inevitability of an accident is solved by the existing moral and legal norms for people
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Stage #2.

Forming the scientific research collectives and building up the public opinion
It is required to unite separate collectives into one union of engineers, representatives of natural sciences and humanities into a single world laboratory "Roboethics", which will have a task to prepare the public opinion for the life in the mixed society
Forming the research collectives
Developing standards of robots behavior in the concrete sociocultural environment, proceeding from the laws existing in the concrete country.
Union of scientists and practicians

It is necessary to develop the Russian union of young scientists (engineers and humanists) on development of AI
Building up the public opinion
For the need of development of robotics in general and UAVs in particular. Planning programs and broadcasting on radio and TV, articles in the mass media and Internet, commercials, scientific and practical conferences, which are removing people's fear of AI.
Development of standards of legal responsibility for AI
Since the moral responsibility arises only together with freedom, autonomy of will. It is a question of the future. Today in relation to UAVs it is more relevant to speak about responsibility in general, to be exact, about the legal responsibility.
The producer and master (owner) of UAVs have to share it.
Moral testing
The general options should be provided by the producer, and the specific ones should be added by the owner under his responsibility.

Before the purchase of an UAV the owner has to pass a "moral" test at the company selling them in order to find out and store the peculiarities of moral and ethical values of the UAV owner.
Stage #3.
Providing autonomy of the AI systems and managing it
While developing robotics, a man has to expect a possibility of its being used by some people against the interests of mankind. Besides, already now there are situations requiring an independent decision from the AI system. Therefore it is necessary to create the AI systems with the certain autonomy based on the universal morals.
Communication system

An UAV should be equipped with a means of emergency communication with the owner in case of unforeseen situations.

Then the owner will have an opportunity to intervene in the situation and thus to bear legal responsibility for a possible accident.
Will of AI
In order to develop roboethics it is necessary to ask not about a possibility for a robot to think, but rather a possibility to develop its will.

A robot, having will (ability to make independent decisions and to bear responsibility for them) is the next stage of the robotics evolution. It bears prerequisites for problems in the interaction of the robot.

Then the roboethics will come to the forefront.

The morals control people by means of public opinion (respect, contempt) and self-control (remorse). Robots should be implanted with a mechanism similar to conscience. In case of violation of the moral standards included in its memory, a self-destruction process should start.

Along with penalties and sanctions to the owner, a process of self-destruction of the robot is started as well.
System of read-out
UAVs should be supplied with the system of reading out the intentions of the opposite (nearby) UAV.

There already exists a system of read-out and recognition of emotions (pain) of a man by the artificial intellect. Communication between pilotless vehicles will reduce the number of car accidents which happen more than 1,3 million per year today. Currently more than 40 companies work on UAVs in the State of California in the USA. More than 300 pilotless vehicles are already created there and are being tested.
Virtual testing
The virtual system (the system of virtual reality) for testing the interaction of UAVs among themselves and with a man must be developed.

For the purpose of further transfer of results into the reality.
Redesign of the social relations
The areas requiring an updated social design, first of all are:
- medicine
- public and corporate management
- police
- education
- transport

Modernization of public consciousness
All six forms of public consciousness will go through transformations.
Ethics, Law, Religion, Science, Philosophy, Art.
The main priority is Ethics, Law and Religion
Since transportation of passengers is connected with the risk for health and life. It is necessary to set up such a design of the relations in order to minimize the conflicts.


The present road map is not the final document; it is just a guide for action. There is huge work ahead, but we hope it will be worthy. Our collective is open for all comers, first of all, for engineers of robotics, cyberneticians, philosophers, psychologists, lawyers, experts of foreign languages and many others.


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